Batch "Save online" upload to

• Jan 30, 2017 - 12:58


Short version

Am I right in thinking that there's no way to invoke "Save online" for batch processing?

Long version

I'm new to MuseScore and have a challenge of uploading over 100 small scores to (once I've upgraded to a Pro account).

I've seen the Batch Convert plugin, and think it would make sense to add "Save online" as another export format. Alternatively, I thought I might be able to adapt the "scorelist" plugin to upload all the open scores.

Unfortunately, I've no experience with C++ or Qt - but I've had a dig around...

It looks like everything in the upload is run via the showUploadScoreDialog() function, so to do a true batch process - without showing the dialog - would require some C++/Qt work, which isn't feasible for me.

That leaves me looking at just adapting the scorelist plugin to upload all the open scores (saving some menu clicks)

Looking at batch_convert.qml, I can see I'd need a saveOnline() function, similar to writeScore() - but I don't know how to connect the JavaScript in QL to the MuseScore.

I found qmlplugin.cpp in the source, which has "QmlPlugin::writeScore()" - but no equivalent for uploading online.

Am I right in thinking that, without a method for it in QmlPlugin, there's no way to invoke "Save online" for plugins/batch processing?



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