mscore 0.9.4 for ubuntu

• May 5, 2009 - 18:19

I've downloaded the pack mscore-0.9.4.tar.bz2
I've unpacked it
I've compiled it as per instructions wriiten in "Readme"
I've installed it
now I'd uninstall it
how can I do?
is tehere in the "unpacked" directory the commans for uninstall it?
sincerely I didn't find !
cuold you indicate me where can I find it?
many thanks


Installation from

(it seems that the same files are in

You'll find there fresh debian packages. You install them double-clicking. During the installation you'll be able to choose the language, french is available.

You should add the resource

deb hardy main

Install the following packages : fluid-soundfont-gs, fluid-soundfont-gm, libqt4-designer

and then mscore et musescore-common

*With Jaunty starting musescore crashes. I added the following line in /etc/modules


which allowed normal starting of Musescore. Apparently it also gave a beeter running of jack

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