Two suggestions regarding ornament placement
There are two bits of fairly common notation of ornaments that are currently unsupported in Musescore 2.0.3, without fudging them by manual placement which results in poor alignment. Neither of them are requests for the ornaments being implemented in playback, which I'm aware is complicated due to the potentially ambiguous nature of a lot of ornamentation.
1. Turn between two notes, which of course should be automatically centred between the two. (I'm aware of the inelegant bodge involving putting an invisible unplayable note in the middle, but this doesn't work if the note moves to align with other parts.) Ideally this would work by selecting two notes and double-clicking the palette, but being as that could be interpreted as wanting a separate turn on each note, it'd probably require the creation of a separate "turn between notes" item in the palette, like the "tremolo between notes" items.
2. Stacking an accidental on top of an ornament, understood to apply to the added notes. Currently only possible by dropping a free-floating (and therefore unaligned) symbol from the master palette. It should be possible to drag an accidental onto an ornament to make it appear fixed above it. Of course some ornaments such as turns may need to be able to take two accidentals, one above and/or one below as the case requires.
These are both good points. Point 2 has been mentioned many times on this forum. And indeed accidentals can be added in 2.0.3. to trill lines (on the lines palette)--but not for the ornaments palette. And they will even play back correctly. So MS already part way there.
Point 1 however has rarely come up (if at all) and would indeed be nice to have. Turns between notes are likely more frequent than those on one note, at least in classical music (I have so far just moved the turn roughly into the desired location, then centered it on final proof reading).