Double-click micro-move has larger grid in 1.2?

• May 30, 2012 - 18:47

When I double-click a notehead to 'micro-move' its position, under 1.2 the movement seems to be much larger than previously. Before I could make fine adjustments; now movements seem to be by a whole space at a time. Is this true? Or perhaps have I accidentally changed some preference setting that controls how much movement occurs? (That would be a useful setting by the way.) Sorry if this has already been discussed but I couldn't find it. Thanks for any suggestions


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I don't think the change in behavior of arrows was a side effect of that new feature, but rather, that new feature came about as a result of discussing of the change in behavior of the arrow keys. That change in behavior of the arrow keys was something a couple of us noticed and asked about during the prerelease period (in my case, the same deal as spinality - I hadn't realized at first how easy it now was to get either large or small budges). In discussing how the new behavior worked, it was noted that it didn't work the same for lyrics as other elements, so that was fixed.

See for this discussion. As far as I have noticed, this is the only "significant" change that wouldn't be obvious from reading the release notes. But I won't swear to that.

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