Score display and play back functionality
Before requesting new functionality I would like to test whether any of the following are already possible and if they are my apologies - I have tried searching:
1) Display 2 pages of score full screen without any of the Musescore real estate visible? In this state a 'page down' click would turn to the next two pages - and so on through the score so that you could play the piece using a monitor without having to print out..
2) Use the play panel to play parts of the score that are not in the active window? I have started entering scores for piano for 4 hands. I have pieces with Primo and Secundo displayed one above the other initially ie the full score. I can accompany this by using the mixer to mute the unwanted part - but most piano duet paper scores use the left page for secundo and the right page for primo.
To achieve this I export the two parts separately from the full score, so that I have two further tabs for Primo and Secundo alongside the full version. However if I am playing the primo part I then cannot get Musescore to play the secundo in the other hidden tab. Play panel only applies to the active window. I have realised that for initial practice of a duet and certainly for my children - to be able to hear Musescore play the secundo part whilst they are practising the primo part (or vice versa) would allow them to get superb practice whilst not having access to another pianist in the room. During this display I would want to turn off the 'highlighting' that happens during a Musescore play back and just use a full screen display (as in 1 above) that changes pages when the play back reaches the appropriate point.
I expect a lot of aspiring players would find functionality described in 1) and 2) above helpful if it is not already available in Musescore but it may be too difficult.
Set to 'Two Pages';
Try closing all windows;
Ctrl + U (View / Full Screen)
A Trick:
and set 'Solo' in the mixer