Match Tab and notes

• Jun 30, 2012 - 02:43


I am a big fan of the musescore project and have been checking in to the nightly builds regularly. I play a 5 string fretless electric bass and am interested in producing scores with split staff notes and tab. I see that the dev builds are getting close, but I am missing some step in the process. In the attached score, the string assignments seem correct, but the fingerings (and software voice notes) are wrong on the tab line. In other words the first C in the notes staff is not the 9th fret on the A (3rd) string, it is the 8th fret on the E (4th) string. Any help appreciated.

Attachment Size
Suite_1_Bass in C_nightly v5.mscz 19.51 KB


When I load this file in the last nightly, I see a 6 string tab. Is that your intention or a bug ?
I also see that the two staves are not linked. Meaning if I move a note in the top staff, it doesn't move in the tab. Same question?

I think maybe you didn't set the TAB up properly.

I have added a linked set of staves for you to copy to which have been set up properly for 5 string bass, however, I have no idea of what fingerings you want so I have copied the first bar to the new staves, and am leaving the rest to you.

Incidentally your standard notaiton stave is using the wrong clef - Bass parts are written in the Octave down Bass Clef which has an 8 below the clef, so when you copy your notes they will need moving down an octave.


Attachment Size
Suite_1_Bass in C_nightly v5.mscz 19.94 KB

In reply to by dradams_

"The tab you added had 6 lines"

Now that is strange because I set it up as 5 lines - one for each string - I used to play 5 string bass (badly) as a sideline in a previous existence, so I'm aware of the requirements :)

The TAB you set up appeared on my system as 6 line TAB - did you set it up as 5 line?

This suggests that there is something awry with the way TAB parameters are saved.

Please let me know as it sounds as though there maybe a bug to chase down here.

I can confirm that there is a bug in saving the number of lines of a TAB. I think it is a rather trivial issue and I'll try to fix it asap.



The issue is fixed.

I don't know how long it currently takes for a fix to show up in nightlies, but this one made its way into the central repository on July 11 (two days ago), so any nightly after this date should contain it.


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