Translation in the new qml pulgin framework
Anyone out there any idea how translation of plugins work in the new qml plugin framework?
Apparently it does not work the same way as with the old plugin framework (, at least I can't get it to work.
I'm trying it with my notenames plugin
, which is ported and works, but without the translations.
I have the suspicion that there is some infrastructure missing in the framework? See
A good start could be:
qsTr should work.
In reply to A good start could be: by [DELETED] 5
qsTr does work, but shows only the default strings, not their translations
In reply to A good start could be: by [DELETED] 5
Where would the translation files be looked for and what names do they need to have?
Either this has changed between the old and the new framework, or some infrastructure is missing in MuseScore.