Program doesn´t work

• Jul 18, 2012 - 15:56

Hi! I have windows 7. When I launch Musescore 1.2, Windows says that program stopped working, and it will shut down.
What might be the problem? I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the program but that doesn`t work.


Thank´s, but that didn`t help:( I also tried musescore 1.1 and the same thing happened again. I also checked the incompatibilities- list and found nothing that could cause the problem.

If you have Xfinity with Constant Gaurd TRY
Click on Constant Gaurd and enter your Pin.
TAB to Options
Go down to Additional Options
Click on Manage My "Blocked Programs" Rules
Enter your Pin
In the dropdown list of programs, Click the Allow radio button next to Mscore.exe.
That's how I fixed mine.
Good Luck!

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