Deleting scores posted on "Made with Musescore"

• Jul 29, 2012 - 16:19

This is specifically for the administrators.

How do I delete scores that I have posted in the "made with musescore" section on
I just don't want certain items here any longer.
I have searched topics and they mention an "edit" button below the post that has the options of deleting the post but that seems to be invisible on my PC screen.


I believing editing posts on this particular forum is only possible for the first day (?) or so after posting.

Generally speaking, posting to an Internet forum is permanent . That's the way things have pretty much always worked as long as I've been online (posts of mine on various forums from the 1980's are still easily available via Google). The lesson to learn is, don't post anything you don't think you can live with for the rest of your life. If you have a special reason to want something deleted (eg, someone has threatened to sue you unless you take something down) you can sometimes get site administrators to act on your behalf, but it's not something you want to be in the habit of. And even if they remove it from their site, sites exist that archive other sites. Once it's been posted, it will probably still be possible for people to access it one way or another forever.

Note that sites like (as opposed to this forum) do allow you to delete scores once posted. That's probably a better mechanism to use for scores you aren't so sure you want to have accessible forever.

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