Linking to specific bars / measures via the share or embed link

• Aug 8, 2012 - 16:11

Hi, I'm new here, so apologies if I'm posting into the wrong forum.

I'm trying out MuseScore for a website I'm building and I'd like to embed a piece of music so that it starts playing from a particular bar / measure, rather than from the start of the piece i.e. like in YouTube where I can append &start=21 to the end of the URL and it will start 21 seconds into the piece (but with bar numbers rather than seconds).

I'll be linking to several different parts of the piece, so creating separate files that only contain the relevant bars isn't really an option.

After playing around with MuseScore and searching around the handbook and forums, I haven't been able to find anything like this - does anyone know if this is possible?

Thanks in advance.


A function like this could be useful if it was available in a tutorial, for example. Links to examples would make a product like this more useful. I have a number of fakebooks in .pdf format, and the index links directly to the piece in the appropriate book.

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