Drums 6/8 with 16th notes - cannot do it properly

• Feb 25, 2017 - 09:52

hi guys , new to musescore

i'm trying to create this bar (from nothing else matters by Lars) . Capture.PNG

problem is that no matter what note value i put , there is not enough space to put the last snare note. also the first beam does not look like in the picture .

appreciate any help




In reply to by Shlomi Cohen

You don't have the same rhythm as you picture. The picture has 16,16,16,8 8,16,16,16,16 while you have 8,16,16,8 16,16,16,16

I just realized I may be looking at the wrong measure. I'm looking again.

Edit: That was measure 7 and I guess it was OK for you.

In measure 5 you start with a 8th note and the picture start with a 16th.

In reply to by mike320

yes i figured this out - but when i try to correct everything become messy (a rest is added or a note disappear to complete the measure)
i cannot delete rests , so everytime i start over with a new bar and still cannot get it right,

thanks again.

In reply to by Shlomi Cohen

Unfortunately a rhythm mistake early in the measure probably means you will have to redo the entire measure. You could cut what is correct after the mistake, fix the mistake then paste what is correct. You have to decide which is easier for you. In your 6/8 measure I would guess starting over it is faster. A mistake on beat 1 or 2 of one of your 12/8 measures might make the cut and paste method faster.

As far as the original post is concerned. It is very difficult for a person to imagine they made a mistake like that, so the problem has to be with the computer. The reality is that if it's not doing what you think it should, you probably made a mistake. I took a long time for this to sink it and sometimes I still ignore it. Sometimes you just need to stand up, walk around then come back and look at it fresh to find your mistake.

In reply to by mike320

thank you very much - but i tend to disagree on that, i'm coming from the software dev area , and can say its not intuitive enough that you cannot change note value when it is already presented.
also , all the automatic rest after that (which cannot be deleted) is very frustrating.
if there should be specific mouse click order than the software should guide the user to do so , meaning disable /enable what is possible to do now.

if i came to this forum there was no quick resort for me- believe me i have tried many ways and walked out and in the problem :-)

even now as we speak i tried to do it - and still struggle. see this pic ,i cannot delete the rest nor put the base drum on 2+.

thats only my opinion -

In reply to by Shlomi Cohen

You can change note value after entering it incorrectly - it's easy. Just click the note you want to change and press the new duration.

The rest added after shortening a note is absolutely needed, to prevent subsequent notes from moving earlier in time. MuseScore has no way of knowing you actually *want* some of those notes to move, nor would it have any way of guessing *how many* you want moved even if it did assume you did want some to move. So, if you want some number of notes moved earlier - and on;ly you can possibly know how many - that's easy too. Just select the notes you want to move, cut, click where you want them moved to, and paste.

In the above picture, why would you want to delete any rest? That would leave the measure with too few beats. Instead of thinking about deleting a rest, simply enter whatever you want to replace it. No need to waste keystrokes deleting a rest first - just enter the notes you want. Much easier - one step instead of two.

As for entering the bass drum, you don't say how you are trying to do it or what goes wrong when you try. Have you read the Handbook sections on note input and drum notation? At which step are having trouble? I will observe you seem to be trying to enter your bass drum notes into voice 1 (stems up) instead of voice 2 (stems down). That's not really standard, but if it is how you want things to look, then be sure to read the part of the Handbook about customizing the drumset definition.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

thank you
yes - i have read the note input and drum section, but only after watching a youtube guide
i eventually understood that i can just add the notes without deleting the rest and the rest got shorten (as expected until it disappear , as expected)

probably some newbie issues, i really think the completion of the rest is necessary , otherwise a software could not close a bar correctly. but took some time to understand that notes could be just added when the note before is selected (as opposed to selecting the rest and trying to replace it).


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