Fonts and text placement is not updated from the general style

• Aug 21, 2012 - 16:12
S4 - Minor

When changing the font and alignment/placement in the general text style the text on the sheet is not updated. Selecting a text on the score, changing its font and then selecting "apply to all elements of the same type" works. Loading a custom general style does not apply to text as well.

First I thought that it should only apply to new text (as MuseScore is doing it now), but that wouldn't make sense, because there are a lot of options in the general style that are applied immediately.

Simple way to reproduce it:
- Go to Style > Edit Text Style
- Change text properties such as text size and font
Expected behaviour: Text appearance changes
Actual behaviour: Nothing happens

Another thing:
- Save the text style with a custom font, size, whatever for the title/subtitle/...
- Create a new score
- Load the custom style
Expected behaviour: The text appearance changes
Actual behaviour: Nothing happens



What version and operating system are you using?

If you're using 1.2, could you check a nightly build? The latter is the focus for the issue tracker.

Thanks :).


Thank you for the fast response.
I was using version 1.2 on Windows 7. I didn't realize there was something like nightly builds.
I tried the latest nightly build, and it worked. More accurately, the whole style system had a makeover. Titles/subtitles now had an explicit field where they should fetch their style data.
So no problems anymore in the latest nightly build.

I'll be careful to check the nightly builds from now on.
Thank you.