Existing voltas do not obey text style changes
Reported at https://musescore.org/en/node/180811. Exists in 2.0.3 and 2.1-dev a062dec. Steps to reproduce:
1. Add a volta to a score.
2. Style / Text... / Volta, change something. The original report concerned vertical offset; you can also change the font (e.g., to MuseJazz), or make the font size huge, or any change that will be clearly noticeable.
3. Click OK.
Expected result: volta numbers change to new style.
Actual result: nothing.
If you then add a new volta, it will follow the new style, but it seems voltas only respect the style in effect when they are first added to the score and ignore further changes.
Setting the offset in Style/General.../Hairpins, Volta, Ottava works
This works also: select the volta(s) that you want to change and apply your changes in the inspector.
Try also: Right click a volta and take a look at the select options in the context menu.
I fail to see how either of those things help change to MuseJazz.
The text syle issues to me looks like a duplicate of #118731: Text styles not applied after Load Style..., the vertical offset is not an issue at all, it just is to be set someplace else: at Style/General.../Hairpins, Volta, Ottava/Volta/Default vertical position
No, and no. #118731: Text styles not applied after Load Style... is about loading a style sheet; this is about simply changing the style within the score. And Style / General... / Hairpins, Volta, Ottava is about the position of the volta relative to the staff, not the number relative to the volta.
And, once again, these changes, including the offset, do apply to subsequently added voltas.
As noted elsewhere when the subject comes up, this is kind of by design, although one could certainly argue it's not a great design. The deal is, text style changes only apply to *text elements* of the given style. Voltas are not text elements - they are textlines (spanners) that *contain* text elements. Potentially up to three of them (begin, continue, end).
So we'd need to go in to all textlines and find the text elements they contain and update them. Which could be unfortunate if you had set your continue text to italic or otherwise differ from the default., but maybe that would be handled properly - we do some amount of that already.
Reported again: https://musescore.org/en/node/185146
Reported again at https://musescore.org/en/node/275240.