Capella Import Crashes MuseScore

• Sep 11, 2012 - 09:56
S2 - Critical

1. Load the attached Capella file
Result crash

1.2 will load the file, but there are several problems with the import as you will see - missing rests, parts skipping from stave to stave, not acknowledging change of time signature etc.

MuseScore 2.0 R979b3cb/Windows XP Pro SP3

Attachment Size
Let_us_now_praise_famous_men.cap 43.09 KB


I just posted a pull request with a possible solution to this crash on import.
The problem was the presence of placeholders and grace notes with duration ticks=0.
Possible remaining issues:
- the code of the pull request completely deletes placeholder (as v1.2 was doing); if marks or texts are attached to them, they are deleted as well; the solution to this point needs discussion about implementation (link texts to the previous or next element? What if the placeholder is at the beginning/end of a measure or system?) and capella files examples; symbols/marks import for capella files is still a work in progress.
- the grace notes should be imported correctly by the code of the pull request, with attached texts and symbols (v1.2 was deleting grace notes). There can be problem if grace notes are tuplets, since duration for tuplets is defined in "capella.cpp" related to ticks. Tuplets import for capella files is however still a work in progress. Capella files examples can be helpful.