Can't read file

• Mar 22, 2017 - 14:51

I need some help!! I can't open this file again.

Attachment Size
1812 v2.mscz 256 KB


This file cannot be opened. You will need to find the backup and recover it.

If you have windows 10 you need to open file explorer, click the view tab and check the Hidden items check box. This will allow you to see the hidden backup file. Find the file, right click it, choose properties and uncheck hidden. Click OK and then you can rename it by taking out the extra . and , the file will probably be an older version of the score, but it will save a lot of work reconstructing it. Of course you need to look in the folder with your files in it.

In reply to by underquark

How do you do that?

I happen to be having the same problem - actually, this isn't the first time. I use Musescore to transcribe pieces to listen to them and to write my own pieces, in other words I use this MS on a daily basis, and I always run into this problem at least once a day. Coincidentally, the file in question crashed exactly 24 hours after the last time this happened. It was with the same score, and I was luckily able to retrieve the information the first time. This second time around though, I'm not that lucky.

All I was doing was changing the velocity in a crescendo and then proceeding to add another crescendo after it but then out of nowhere I got the accursed 'Musescore is not responding' popup. Maybe it's because I added a crapton of measures to separate one movement from the other and then proceed to add an irregular time signature to said movement because the score required it - idk, but I'm extremely annoyed.

I realize I could just use the mscz, file, but that's an earlier version, and this piece I'm writing is extremely huge and has a lot of details that took hours for me to write. It would take even longer for me to rewrite the information if I used an mscz, file. And like I said, this isn't the first time it has happened either. Something is obviously wrong with MS if it causes regular repeat errors like this.

I have attached the mscz file, along with the mscz, backup and the appdata backup, and if it helps I even went to the Event Viewer to figure out what caused it. This is what I got:

Faulting application name: MuseScore.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x0ebaeca0
Faulting module name: Qt5Core.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x777a675f
Exception code: 0x40000015
Fault offset: 0x0000e951
Faulting process id: 0x5bc4
Faulting application start time: 0x01d2c15ac542ad08
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2\bin\MuseScore.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2\bin\Qt5Core.dll
Report Id: d4ab49c7-72a8-4c7b-be97-0dae4cd2ebd0
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

What's interesting is that this is the exact same error I have received on files like this in the past. To reiterate, I really do think that this sort of thing is a bug that ought to be logged and added to the list of issues to fix in the next version. The mscz, solution really is not feasible enough for large pieces, nor is the appdata backup solution when/if that gets wiped upon MS crashing. I know my file is probably beyond repair, but I've been holding this in for months so.

EDIT: I've also tried searching for it using every other keyword I could think of but nothing will turn up.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I know. I'm trying to recover the data on the backup since that is the only file that might possibly have my changes I made on the score today, unless there is by some miraculous chance another copy saved elsewhere. The other two scores are old copies from the last time I saved it, which was 24 hours ago. There's too much information that I created in the score today to simply redo it from where I had started (aka from the other two working copies). I would have to start from scratch and this is going to be a huge piece; I simply do not have the time or the patience or the attention span to recall exactly what I had written. Like, I know the melody, but rewriting it down to the tiniest detail in a practical and timely manner is impossible. That's why I was hoping there might be a way to recover the backup or at least some of the work I put into the score today. The other two files do not have that information.

In reply to by izzychns

Unfortunately, log messages are almost never sufficient. In order to track down and fix a bug, we need precise steps to reproduce the problem: a sample score and precise step by step instructions to follow that will result in a crash. If you are able to get to that point, then yes, you should file a formal bug report to the issue tracker (eg, using Help / Report a Bug, from within MuseScore).

I use MsueScore daily as well, and I virtually never see crashes, so what you are seeing is definitely not at all normal. If you are seeing crashes daily, I can only surmise you are doing something unusual that most people don't do, and that is why you are seeing lots of crashes when others don't. Not saying you are doing anything *wrong*, but if we can identify what you are doing that is unusual, that might help us figure out how to reproduce the problem.

It is also possible there is some incompatible process or library on your system interfering with MuseScore.

Meanwhile, I will point out that MuseScore 2.1 - scheduled to be released very soon - fixes a *lot* of crashes, so maybe whatever problem you are seeing is among them. Definitely install it when it becomes available.

I renamed the MSCZ file extension to ZIP and tried to repair it from a terminal in ubuntu:

zip -FF --out

I then extracted the MSCX file from and tried to load it in MuseScore. MS duly reported an XML error at line 160-thousandish and so I opened the file using BlueFish editor and tried to repair the damage manually.

BUT, there are many corrupt lines of XML code suggesting that something went wrong during the compression/decompression of the file but whether this is MuseScore's fault or a problem with your OS or with your hardware (disc, power supply) I can't tell.

I'm curious if you (kkyan) are on Windows 10. This seems to be an OS specific bug. It seems that everyone reporting the corrupt files are using widows 10. I haven't done the research into every incident, but I don't remember anyone with this problem in the last 2 months saying they were on any other OS.

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