Speech note for vocal

• Oct 2, 2012 - 05:58

I wish to compose song which the part of the singers say out the lyrics instead of singing it. Besides adding instrument to the score, is there a way for the notes (unpitched) to be put at the same staff? Thank you.


I can't tell exactly what you are trying to do - can you post a score (made with other software, drawn by hand, or whatever) to show what you mean?

Please look at Bar 14 & 15 of the attachment. The singer are not singing it but saying it. I insert usual notes and lyrics first, then, I press F9 to get palette, we click on note head and drag the "x" sign to each of the notes of the two bars, which is rather troublesome. From sight, there is no problem. Problems come when I play the music score, it's pitched and therefore not harmonised. Is there a shorter way to create unpitched sound for the "x" part? Thank you.

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Come to Sunday School.mscz 4.04 KB

In reply to by bvwn56

Visually, you could add (spoken:) before the words appear, or whatever the Chinese (?) equivalent is.

Maybe you could right-click notes, go to 'Note Properties...' and make the velocity of the notes 'zero', so nothing sounds?

To turn the note heads into crossed select the ones you want to change then double click the cross icon in the Noteheads palette.

The only way to play them unpitched is to make them silent using the method Chen has outlined.


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