Angle of tremolo lines (especially with cross-staff tremoli)

• Mar 24, 2017 - 15:50

Is there a way of changing the way a tremolo between notes is drawn, to include a maximum angle to make sure the angle isn't too steep?

Particularly when you have a tremolo between two staves as in the attached example ("Noctuelles" from Ravel's Miroirs) it becomes very steep and it's hard to see how many lines there are. Extending the stems of the notes does nothing to alter the tremolo. I could insert space between the notes but this then makes the tremolo far too long.

I know that the way beams are created seems to have a maximum angle even between two staves; is there a way of implementing this for tremoli? (Ideally the lines would be fully adjustable in height like beams, but that'd probably require tremoli to be completely redefined in the software.)

Attachment Size
2017-03-24.PNG 17.4 KB


In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

This is not what I asked.

I am specifically using a cross-staff tremolo — common in piano music to indicate rapid alternation between RH and LH — which is entered by doing what you did and then moving the second chord down a staff (with Ctrl+Shift+down).

What I'm complaining about is that MuseScore doesn't display the result very legibly, and it can't be adjusted.

Think what is needed is an option to display less than 1/2 note (before applying tremolo) and below tremolos with a beam as in this picture

beamed tremolo.png

This would give the user the ability to adjust the beams as necessary to get the correct angle on cross beams as OP is suggesting. The picture is a 32nd between notes tremolo, the bar represents one of the tremolo lines.

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