Scroll should center on cursor.

• Apr 5, 2017 - 01:51

I asked for this before, some time ago but I can't remember if there was a problem with this or is it in the next release perhaps?


In reply to by Shoichi

I'm not sure that's the same thing or not. I could interpret the original question multiple ways. Don, could you explain more clearly what you are looking for? I suspect maybe you are talking about the behavior of *zoom* when using the scroll wheel to trigger the action?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc, indeed, that is what I am talking about, using the scroll wheel.

Often I find that elements (such as signe, coda, chord changes, etc) are placed over one another, and at a useful "zoom" they are difficult to select. (I've discussed this problem before when requesting that the last placed element be "on top").

At the moment when I zoom in to try and select the element I am working with, I find I often have to stop part way, move the targeted element closer to the middle and then zoom in again, sometimes more than once.

This is at best inefficient.

Say the target is near the top right of the screen: Even if I place the cursor at a point between the edges and the target, the target moves out of view.

If the target was the focus the best possibility to me would be that it stays in view.

I hope that's clear.

Best regards to all, lovin' MuseScore.

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