Session manager

• Jan 23, 2025 - 07:30

Some users complain about MS4 not having tabs to switch between different scores. Opening different scores requires starting different instances of the application.

An alternative might be a "session manager" which detects other instances of the application and allows to switch to another instance by means of e.g. a drop down menu


Why build something that already exists? Your operating system does this quite well. Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab in Windows. I know there's an equivalent in Mac, but I don't know what the key combination is.

In reply to by TheHutch

There are a few benefits I can think of:

  1. Because the OS switches between all applications that are currently running, which may be more than just instances of MS
  2. Especially Mac users complain that they can't identify the different scores when using the OS cmd-tab switch. I use Linux and windows, and I think this could be improved too
  3. If such a "session manager" existed in MS, it might be possible to assign shortcuts to switch to a specific score (rather than cycle between them, as the alt-tab does)

In reply to by TheHutch

The session manager pop up would display the list of opened scores.
The first 10 would be accessible with a simple key 0 1 2 3 ...
The focus would be in a text filter in which you can type even the middle the score name and dynamically filter the list of opened scores. Jumping to another one would therefore be super easy even with dozens of opened scores

Good idea.
And one could imagine that the session manager process is responsible for synchronising settings changes, avoiding that changes done in one session are:
-not seen in other sessions until closed intervened
-erased by other sessions

One could also display the status of the score (saved/unsaved) in the session manager, and allow to save and close session from there.

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