Checkbox to output text to MIDI

• Apr 5, 2017 - 12:25

"MuseScore is a score preparation platform, not a performance platform. If you want to develop a performance, use it in conjunction with something else." That's exactly what I'm trying to do, except that MuseScore gives me no way at all to put anything in the score (other than notes and dynamics) that can be seen by any such tool. In particular, I'm using Virtual Pipe Organs, and I'd like to put registrations and manual changes (leave "expression" alone right now) in the score in a way visible and editable to the human eye and visible to a MIDI-reading program, and general enough to be useful to everyone. I'm willing to (and do) have an intermediating program.

MIDI includes the ability to express "text events" of arbitrary text, marked, as all midi events, with a staff and time-point at which they "appear". It ought not be hard for MuseScore to have an Inspector check box for "Text" insertions, "Output to MIDI as text event", which did just that. That's what MIDI text is there for. Then, at least, postprocessing programs could extract these and interpret them however they wanted.

This would remove the need for external files saying "at measure 42, do thus and so." That should be in the score at measure 42, visible to the eye and editable by the hand, and text is the most obvious, transparent, in-system, and general way of doing this, and it's already in MIDI and MuseScore.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Gee, I thought that was pretty short! But I'll shorten it for you:

"A checkbox in the inspector for Text (Command-T, ctrl-T) objects, which tells MS to produce a MIDI text object with that exactly that content at the time of the note to which it is attached into the track representing the staff to which it is attached."

(Sort of like "play" for notes, whether it is visible or not. I know others, developing MS/VPO software, who would dearly appreciate this, too. I imagine anyone processing MS output would.)

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