MuseScore TAB unusable in its current form
You need to create a new "TAB mode", where you
- select a string and start typing numbers
- Right arrow key advances to the next note
- Left arrow key previous note
- Up arrow, up a string (in pitch e.g. 6 string to 5 string)
- Down arrow, down a string (in pitch e.g. 4 string to 5 string)
This is the method GuitarPro and Sibelius use.
If MuseScore adopts this method, not only is TAB entry SUPER EASY, MuseScore would be contributing to a standard for TAB entry.
This method is easily the best comparing all notation programs.
MuseScore in it's current for is not realistically useable for TAB input.
By "current form" are you referring to the already-released 1.2 version - which basically doesn't support tabat all - or to the nightly builds of the upcoming 2.0 release, which does implement tab support? Not sure if it's the exact sequence of keystorkes you have on mind, but by all all accounts, it does work pretty well. Have you tried tab in a nightly build yet? Have you read the documentation in the echnology preiew forum to udnerstand how it works?
As of cf850d8d48 and it's a work in progress.
It already work this way, at least for the fret between 0 and 9, more work is needed for the other ones. Press N, press Alt +2 to enter a fret 2 on the current string. Use Alt + arrow to move to the next/prev string. Using numbers only is not an option, historically they are assigned to note duration in MuseScore. How would you select duration then? Sibelius uses the keyboard for frets and the numpad for duration, it's not really nice for all the people without numpad...
Already the case.
Already the case too. You have to be in note entry mode too.
Not sure but I think you got this behavior with Shift + up Arrow. Simple arrow will just up or down the fretnumbers
Maybe read and and add your argumented thought in it. I close this feature request, hoping for a more argumented one, after discussion in the forum.