Shift key on iMac doesn't enter chords

• Apr 13, 2017 - 16:14

Manual says that in notation mode use shift key to enter chords. This doesn't work with Mac keyboard.


Also, be aware that there are different keyboard layouts in different countries. The US Mac keyboard should work fine if you haven't changed the defaults, but it's possible some other layouts might have issues, This is normally more of an issue for the duration shortcuts than chords. Shift+A should always enter an A on the current chord. If you find it isn't best to attach your score and precise steps to reproduce the problem, so we can see what might be going on.

In reply to by Colin Parker

So, specifically, in voice 1 (the default), enter the stem up notes, then switch to voice 2 and enter the stem down notes. There actually aren't any "chords" at all in this example - each voice has only one note at a time. Chords are when you have multiple notes in the *same* voice at once (eg, sharing a stem).

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