
• Jun 28, 2009 - 17:24

Is it possible to add a legato symbol to your note? if so how?...


In reply to by David Bolton

a dot above a note is inserted with shift dot.
and this can be done when inserting notes. for straight line above notes is no such key combination ???
when i do insert a straight line above a note or an attack (smaller than sign) from the palette the editing stops. cursor is frozen.
I cannot use left and right arrows to go to the next note .
what do I wrong?

In reply to by David Bolton

this works, but as I am writing for a little orchestra with all wind instruments and there is a lot of attacks and lines above notes, i get very tired of this click anc click for every attack and line.
the way the dots below or above notes are inserted is fine.
could i ask for a solution for this problem, a key combination to insert attack or straight line?


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