shared noteheads

• Apr 25, 2017 - 23:36

Here is where I need to share a quarter note with a sextuplet as shown. Also the handbook shows a different look to this. Could this be a bug report?

Attachment Size
Capture 3.PNG 50.29 KB
Capture.PNG 181.89 KB


In reply to by mike320

very nice, but. The quarter note you shared with and the sixteenth rest still remain in that measure.

the measures you share with is all the other tuplets. I should have double checked before I told you sorry.

In reply to by mike320

ok on the score there are six tuplets. Two in the first measure and four in the fifth. .All get a quarter note right where you put it on the score you sent me. So-the last measure should be the way you first saw it.

The attachment you first replied to earlier is a snippet part of this score. Ex 44 ...Carcassi Study

In reply to by Thomas Wall

Now I understand what you want. I don't know what you were doing. You need to put the 1/4 notes into voice 2. Select the measure and press the voice 2 button (or ctrl-2). In measure 1 you have to start with 2 rests so the notes will line up on the same beat. I made the rests invisible by selecting them and pressing V. The notes with the same head and no dots will automatically share a head like this.

Attachment Size
Exercise 44 shared.mscz 11.79 KB

OK first A ( second lower line)-first C-First A (on staff)-first E (on staff)

5th measure First A-first C-first A-first E
these are in same positions as first

these are the LOWER notes of the tuplets.

In reply to by Thomas Wall

Those are "fillers" for the 2nd voice. I normally make them invisible by clicking them and pressing V. You could delete them, but the other rest will stay where it is. If you make the voice 2 rest invisible, the other one will move down where it normally is. All of this is totally normal.

In reply to by Thomas Wall

I'm glad you got it straightened out. When you run into a problem here, the best method for getting help is to upload a copy or an identical example from score you are working with. Give an explanation of what you are trying to do rather than make people guess. You can't give too much information so others can help you.

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