Create Custom Key Signature Bug(?)

• Apr 26, 2017 - 16:22

There is either a bug or error on my part that I could not get the custom key signature to work right.I created three naturals, b, e, and a to cancel E flat major key as a"courtesy naturals" before the f sharp for new key, as is customary. However, the custom key sig. did not work right on the violas' alto clef notation. I had to add sharps for the f sharp. What can be done? Please see attachment. See page four in strings.

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You don't need to create a custom key signature for that. Simply enter the new key signature and make sure in the Style->General menu under the accidentals you chose the radio button that says "before the key signature..."

Custom key signatures are for display purposes only, they do not affect notes in the current versions, though that may change sometime in a future release.

For the record though, while you don't need custom key signatures just to get courtesy naturals, they do sometimes have a purpose in experimental and/or non-Western muskic. And they do indeed have the limitation you are seeing: you need to define them individually for each clef, as MuseScore won't know what octave to use for each note. You'll also have to handle the transpositions yourself, as MuseScore won't know the order of accidentals you want. And they won't affect playback or do other things you might expect. Basically, they are there for the very specific cases where the need for them outweighs the pain of using them. But luckily, again, what you are doing does not need them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Very interesting and informative! Yes, I can imagine uses for them. ( Reminds of Charles Ives, for instance, who of course did things like writing a 4-voice fugue in which each voice is in a different key signature).I must have had all my files in MS 1.3 set on the automatic naturals, etc. as all through those files it happened automatically. I had just forgotten. My present score is the first symphonic score I have ever done in MS 2.0.3. delhud2

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