Program crash 'manage plugins'
Chromebook/linux i5 8 gigs mu 4.4.4
Tried to enable 'mirror intervals. Went to save and crashed program. Started again,(program apparently did save) went in to disable 'mirror intervals' did save and crashed program again.
Well, clearly states that is it for MuseScore 2.x and 3.x.
So just delete it, it won't work in 4.x
In reply to Well,… by Jojo-Schmitz
Would wonder why it shows up in 4.x? Is that for all the plug-ins there in 4.4 or just mirror? Guess I did not notice anything when I opened plug-ins.
In reply to Thanks Would wonder why it… by R. L. F.
Showing up and working are.different this.
That plugin has not been adjusted to Mu4 , uses Qt.quit(), which was wrong in Mu3 already, but in Mu4 simply crashes
In reply to Well,… by Jojo-Schmitz
Follow up.
How do you delete a menu item from the program. Just clicking on plug-ins, on the upper menu, causes the crash or maybe just say the program closes itself.
In reply to Follow up. How do you delete… by R. L. F.
Delete the plugin itself, the .qml file, presumably mirror-intervals-3.qml
In reply to Delete the plugin itself by Jojo-Schmitz
That is what I am asking. How do you get to the plug-in without clicking on the plug-ins menu item? Just clicking there closes the program. What is the gml file?
In reply to That is what I am asking… by R. L. F.
It is the file you placed there, after having downloaded it from the plugin repo at the link further up
In reply to It is the file you placed… by Jojo-Schmitz
For Mu 4.4.4 I did not download anything.
In reply to For Mu 4.4.4 I did not… by R. L. F.
How else would that plugin have gotten there?
In reply to How else would that plugin… by Jojo-Schmitz
That Is a very good question! But, I know I have not downloaded anything since I updated to 4.4.4!!
So, you tell me.
In reply to That Is a very good question… by R. L. F.
Then it was there even before, put there by you earlier. It won't get there without your intervention (or someone's with access to your computer)
In reply to Then it was there even… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, if it carries forward, sometime ago I probably did download plug-ins. I have never tried any of them in the past. This was my first attempt, and last to use any. Since, as I have said multiple times, when I click on plug-ins in the menu it closes/crashes the program, how do I get rid of the 'file' you keep mentioning. Is it located somewhere else I have not found yet?
In reply to That is what I am asking… by R. L. F.
You installed it (copied it there), you remove it again, simple as that
In reply to You installed it, you remove… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, I enabled it. And I disabled it. Both times the program crashes. As I said just clicking on the plug-ins menu closes/crashes the program. Whether it is enabled or disabled makes No difference. Click on plug-ins and your program window is gone. Hope it askes you to save your work and that it really does save it.
In reply to Yes, I enabled it. And I… by R. L. F.
Remove that file, presumably mirror-intervals-3.qml, from your MuseScore 4 plugins directory
In reply to Remove that file from your… by Jojo-Schmitz
And where am I finding that directory? I use the program, only. I do not go looking inside it.
In reply to Remove that file from your… by Jojo-Schmitz
I am getting the feeling you think it is the mirror plug-in that is the problem. As I have been saying, just clicking on plug-ins from the top menu crashes/closes Mu 4. There is nothing there behind the plug-ins window. No score window. Nothing but my terminal window ready to be shut down.
In reply to I am getting the feeling you… by R. L. F.
I quote: The default directories are:
Windows: C:\Users[Your User Name]\Documents\MuseScore4\Plugins\
macOS: ~/Documents/MuseScore4/Plugins/
In reply to See… by cadiz1
I will look there again. But, what the handbook section that you were referencing seemed to show working with the program after clicking on 'plug-ins' on the menu. As I have said repeatedly the program IS gone. Nothing there to see. Nothing there to work on.
If I can delete plug-ins from the Documents/MuseS etc. then I might be accomplishing something. But, I doubt that is true. I will look at all the suggestions given, but as I have also said, this was my first(and last) attempt to use plug-ins!
In reply to See… by cadiz1
Thanks, again for the info. Unfortunately there is Nothing in Doc/MS/Plugins. So nothing accomplished.
In reply to I am getting the feeling you… by R. L. F.
OK, I indeed missed that.
Then go to Help > Revert to factory settings.
And empty the folder mentioned above
In reply to Then go to Help > Revert to… by Jojo-Schmitz
That will only remove the plug-ins folder, correct. I do not think I have downloaded anything else from anywhere.
In reply to Then go to Help > Revert to… by Jojo-Schmitz
If there is nothing in the folder will 'revert' really do anything? And if there is nothing there where else might the folder info be?
In reply to Jojo If there is nothing in… by R. L. F.
Esp. then!
In reply to Esp. then! by Jojo-Schmitz
I may not need to guess what 'Esp. Then!' Means. I may have finally figured out what to do. You were saying to delete 'mirrors ', but just clicking on plugins closes/crashes MU. So, no closing just one. But I think I finally got rid of all. Since nothing was in the file, I will only know when I start again.
Thanks for the suggestions
In reply to I may not need to guess what… by R. L. F.
Launch the program. Go immediately to Edit / Preferences / Folders. Look at the path labeled "Plugins". Go to that folder and see if there's anything there.
In reply to Launch the program. Go… by TheHutch
A listing of the 8 or 10 scores I have worked on in the last few months. 4 of the five folders there have exactly the same lists. Soundfonts being the only one different. And obviously the plugins folder I thought I was deleting yesterday did not delete anything! And as before just clicking 'plugins' on the menu crashes/closes the program!! And all of the plugins are still there waiting to be enabled. Something I will not be doing again.
I do not think clicking on the menu item should crash the program. So, I would guess this IS a problem. But I do not know how it really should be functioning. Just does not appear very useful, to me, as it is working now.
Hope this gives you some useful info.
In reply to Yes. A listing of the 8 or… by R. L. F.
The plugin manager will show plugins from different locastion,s, internal ones (delivered with the program) and your personal ones. Of there are none in your personal plugin folder, none can cause the crash.
As said earlier: use Help > Revert to factory settimngs to make sure everything is back to default
In reply to Launch the program. Go… by TheHutch
Check my post to Jojo for results. Spoiler....Not beneficial.
Were you in on my post sometime ago about clearing 'open recent' when it is tooo full and the 'clear' disappears from the bottom of the list? Well turns out 'factory revert' clears the list. YEAH!
In reply to Check my post to Jojo for… by R. L. F.
Yes, that's the brute-force method to clear that list
In reply to Yes, that's the brute-foce… by Jojo-Schmitz
It works! And for me it appears it was no big deal....and sure nice to have that list cleared. I am sure it is more problematic for others with many special settings.
In reply to It works! And for me it… by R. L. F.
There are less intrusive methods though
In reply to There are less intrusive… by Jojo-Schmitz
Is this about my off topic comment about 'clear recent'? If so I wish you had seen my post some time back. Noone had any thoughts but some reprogramming plans which I had Noooo interest!!,
In reply to Is this about my off topic… by R. L. F.
Yes it is.
And no, I hadn't seen that, but anyway, locating and deleting "recent_files.json" as mentioned there surely is less intrusive and not any kind of reprogramming
In reply to Yes it is. And no, I hadn't… by Jojo-Schmitz
Reprogramming may be the wrong term. Yet, what I do remember about that time was 'trust computer skills' and going in and changing code to something different to effect a function of the program.
I call that 'reprogramming '!
And as I said, for me 'revert' was a much less intrusive way.
In reply to Reprogramming may be the… by R. L. F.
Deleting a file is not programming at all, it is not a code change in any form or shape
In reply to Esp. then! by Jojo-Schmitz
As I told The Hutch, what I thought I was doing apparently did nothing. Now I guess I 'Will' be doing Esp. then!
Have to ask, does factory reset clear the plugins in the plugins menu window? As I mentioned clicking on menu 'plugins' still crashes/closes the program. Thanks.
In reply to Follow-up As I told The… by R. L. F.
Please do: menu Help / Revert to Factory Settings
In reply to Please do: menu Help /… by cadiz1
Check my post to Jojo.
In reply to Follow-up As I told The… by R. L. F.
It is entirely unclear why selecting Plugins > Manage plugins crashes. That's why you should revert to factory settings. I hope that will fix the crash. If not I'm at the end of my wits
In reply to It is entirely unclear why… by Jojo-Schmitz
Sorry. Guess I was not totally clear on clicking. Have to also chose 'manage plug-ins, that brings up the window of plug-ins, but also crashes/closes the program.
As you slowly give more info I believe I am understanding more. Since I have Never downloaded Any plug-ins, only enabled one....mirror, I am not sure what you are all expecting from 'factory revert! BUT....
I did and as I pretty much expected it did nothing. Open plug-ins from menu, click on 'manage and I get the plug-ins window....and the program crashes/closes! So, I am still going with this is an issue.
In reply to Jojo Sorry. Guess I was not… by R. L. F.
You mean the "Mirror intervals" plugin? That indeed is part of the MuseScpre package, nothing you'd need to download.
Not to be confused with (which is for Mu2 and Mu3 only anyway)
Noticing this just now...
In reply to You mean the "Mirror… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, that is what I enabled to try it. That started all this. Score had crashed/closed. I started again, went into plug-ins and disabled mirror....program crashed/closed, again. And I then started the post.
Correct I did not download anything to plugins!
Have to wonder why if some of plugins do not work with Mu 4.x why are they there anyway?
And there is obviously some other issue, also.
Thanks for all you thoughts!
In reply to Yes, that is what I enabled… by R. L. F.
There isn't an issue, that plugin can get enabled and just works, at least for me, MuseScore Studio 4.4.4, Windowss 11
It is really just using having an issue here
In reply to There isn't an issue, that… by Jojo-Schmitz
And as I have been describing in Chromebook/Linux just clicking manage plug-ins crashes/closes MUS. The plug-in has to be enabled and since the program score window is shutdown, I have no idea what is functioning or not.
If you are having no problems in Win 11, then I would say it is a Linux oriented problem. That is always why I post as I do. To see if anyone else is having the same issue. I already know I Am.
In reply to And as I have been… by R. L. F.
I'd doubt even that, else many more folks would be complaining about this.
It is more likely really just you, or maybe all Chromebook users
In reply to I'd doubt even that, else… by Jojo-Schmitz
Click....Click. If you can tell me what I do to affect the program- Click....Click- please tell me. I would really like to know.
Here's a real shocker for you. I have clicked on other menu items, clicked on a drop down, finished whatever and.....wait for gets scary here....I closed it and......the most unbelievable score And program window were Still there. Unbelievable right!
And it must be chromebooks because linux on chrome 'must' be doing something to effect a plug-ins drop down menu item, only!
Or maybe something that is 'different' about that one dropdown from how those other menu items deliver there choices.....just a thought.
I figured out what I need to NOT chose anymore, so I am through with this. I just wanted to mention a feature that was not functioning correctly. I did that. You all can blame however you want! Click....Click
Hold on... Chrome book... Linux...
Are you really using the MuseScore Studio 4.4.4 AppImage from the download page if this site here?
In reply to Hold on... Chrome book… by Jojo-Schmitz
Marc showed me couple years ago how I needed to update. Have been doing that multiple times since.
Mscore4portable update
Has always worked. Marc had said he had a similar system. I am sure, though, I have never tried to enable a plug-in before. But I do know I have at least gone in and looked to know what was available. No issues then, and that would have been in 4.x I really believe.