Creating a musically incorrect lead sheet

• Dec 29, 2012 - 20:56

Hi All,
I seem to have developed my own "shorthand" for writing a lead I would like to be able to create a lead sheet that is musically incorrect.....this lead sheet will only be for my own personal use.......

My problem is that Musescore is too smart & tries to anticipate what it thinks my next entry should be.....for example, if I enter a quarter note, put a dot behind it & then enter another dotted quarter note, Musescore will automatically enter a semiquaver rest after the 2nd quarter note whereas I don't want anything entered after the 2nd quarter note, I just want to keep entering notes.....

How do I turn off the "auto fill" or what term should I be looking for in the Preferences.....

I am using the Jazz Lead sheet with a time signature of 30/8, as suggested by Michael, for plainsong work......

I am soooo close to getting this lead sheet setup as I want it.......I can hardly wait to get rid of all the little bits of paper that I have in my

Many Thanks,


The rest appears to fill out the messure but disappears as soon as you you type the next note, so I'm not sure what exactly you are asking. Without an example of what you are trying to accomplish, it's difficult to advise. I might guess you want to have a measure with only 3 beats in it even though the piece is in 4/4. You do that by right clicking the measure, properties, and setting the actual time signature to 3/4. If you have something else in mind that you are trying to do, can you describe in more detail how you want it to look (or post a picture)?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, thanks for your reply,

Basically, what I am trying to do is simply put notes on a treble staff (a lead/fake sheet) with no regard for note value, number of measures, time signature etc.....I just want one long line of notes with the chord letter above the appropriate note......

I know it sounds simplistic & software developers are shaking their heads but that's what I am

As I said, I am so close but Musescore keeps trying to "fancy" me up by adding stuff it thinks I there any way to temporarily disable the "auto fill" feature in Musescore?......

I appreciate your response,

In reply to by FlutteringBy

Actually, meterless music is quite common in the grand scheme of things, so no head shaking here. Just ignore the rest that temporarily appear as you enter notes just like the rest of us entering metered music do, and keep entering notes. When you have entered as many notes as you decide should fit in a measure, count the beats, and set the actual time signature to that, and any remaining trialing rests go away, just as Michael suggests.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you both for your help & suggestions......I'll keep working on it.......

In our group we have an elderly old time fiddler who plays mainly by ear......he can follow a simple single note music sheet but doesn't want "all that fancy stuff that gets in the way" he slowly picks out my notes & gets the tune in his head, he's off to the races & then adds all his own fill in, embellishments etc.....its quite something to see!!......

But it makes me feel guilty trying to "dumb down" this wonderful program,

Happy New Year to you both, Michael & Marc...


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