How do I move the First Time Bar red grips so it covers 2 bars?

• Dec 28, 2024 - 21:03

Hi, I am having difficulty getting a time bar to work over 2 bars, as it defaults to one bar. I can drag the black line appearance of the time bar so it covers the next bar, but that doesn't make it actually play it, as the red grips are stuck to make it only last one bar. I've tried trying to click on the red grip, with control, shift and alt, none work - probably a simple one for people who know!

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Drag doesn't work any more. Delete the 1st ending line. Range select the two measures and reapply the ending line.

In reply to by bobjp

Thank you, but I don't understand what you mean. I have tried deleting the first ending line and then highlighting both bars I want, then reapplying the 1st ending line. It just deselects the 2 bars and places it over whichever bar I hover over, even if I hold control down to try keeping the 2 bars highlighted

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