Multirest help

• Jan 11, 2013 - 19:36

Windows Vista
Musescore v1.2

I spent the entire day working on a score. I saved my work about every five minutes. I opened the score this morning only to find an empty score.

I had tried to use the multirest feature when I was done but it kept taking away all of the measures and in the first measure the multiple rest was 52. I'm not exactly sure where that number came from. I did a CTL Z and the score returned to normal. As I really didn't make any changes to the original score at that point I did not use the save feature.

I tried the multirest on a test score and got the same results. And, more importantly how do I use this multirest feature? Where is the 52 coming from and is there a way to get back my score?


No software is perfect. Version 1.2 will never be perfect and will also never be better than it is (development is now being done for version 2.0). Whatever causes this particular problem, I would suggest creating a template for your common scores and then having, say, 100 empty measures and then filling them all with minim (half-note) rests or other rest appropriate to the time signature. This will avoid multi-measure rests being created until you actually want them to be (you just delete the rests where you want multi-measure rests to appear). I would also strongly suggest saving files regularly using different names such as "Great New Score_1", "Great New Score_2" or whatever system works for you.

Attachment Size
Temp_Rests_Cornet_Blank.mscz 2.02 KB

It's kind of hatrd to say without seeing a copy of score knowing what specifically you are trying to do, but the idea with multimeasure rests is that if you turn that feature on, MuseScore automatically replaces any sequence of empty measures with a multimeasure rest symbol - a horizontal bar with a number above indicating how many empty measures there are. So I assume the 52 is MuseScore telling you there are 52 empty measures. Are you saying that is not the case?

Normally you would never turn on this option yourself. You would leave it off (the default) for your score, and then when you generate parts, it is automatically turned on for you. So more information on what exactly you are trying to do would help.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

No, there was not 52 empty measures. If I read the documentation correctly it stated that the multi measure rest function should not be selected until the score was complete and then go back and add the rests. The first measure would be 6, the second 4, the third 4, 34th 4, 35th 2.

Are you saying to add 14 measures to the top of the piece and 6 measures to the 34th and 35th measures? If I do that and I turn on the multi measure rest feature won't it give me 14 and 6? Or, am I to add 6 rests then add some bogus notes to fill then next measure then add another 4 notes and so on?

I found a backup copy but that was also blank.


In reply to by dallen57

When you mentioned adding certain numbers of measures to certain parts, I assumed that meant it wasn't *completely* empty. Also, are you sure you are opening the correct file? Is it possible you are looking in the wrong folder? Assuming it is the correct file, it is also possible MuseScore is displaying it as empty but that it really does contain data, corrupted somehow. So posting the file could still help.

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