Chord names with additional elements

• Jan 15, 2013 - 11:23

Hello everyone!

Is there a way that I can make such symbols before and after chord names like in the example image?
I know about the Line tool but it's really difficult to draw the rotated "L" shape with that. Is there a workaround or some feautre that I missed?

Thank you,

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That bracket is not at all standard when writing chord names - musicians who read chord charts already each chord symbol lasts until the next without the need for symbols like that. So I'd strongly suggest leaving it out. But if you do need to create bracket like that for some reaosn, it's just a line with a hook. So create the horizontal line, right click, line properties, and add a hook.

Slashes within chords are interpreted normally - that is, C/G, etc. The "/G" by itself is not currently recognzied, but I agree it should be. Knowing what I do about how chord symbols are implemented - which is to say, more than average user, less than the developers - I'm guessing that making that work would be harder than you might think. I have been working on design ideas for extending how chord symbols are interpreted, and could certainly try to work this in too to my proposal. You might consider filing an official "feature request" in the issue tracker.

Meanwhile, as a workaround that does work pretty well, I usually create "/G" as two separate chords. First I enter just "G", then I leave chord symbol entry mode, click the note again, hit Ctrl-K again, and it lets me attach another chord to the same symbol. So I just type "/" there. It's not recognized as a chord, of course, but no harm done - it's really only the "G" I needed recognized. After typing the "/", I nudge it over to the left with the arrow key (ctrl-arrow for finer motion).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the informations. I use the rotated "L" shape for marking the ending of the chord. In songs sometimes we just play chords for half of a measure or just on a single note. The other marking is a little different. It means the standard way with the chord and the bass note like C/G. But when used like this "/G /A /B..." it only means we play notes (in the bass region) not chords. This is usually used by us between song parts as a transition.
Sorry for possible language mistakes I hope I described it well.
About your suggestions the hook thing in the properties is really good. I didn't know about it. Thank you very much. It's easier for me to achieve my goals. And I will add a feature request to draw a clearly horizontal line.

Thank you for the help,

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