Easier to print parts

• Feb 1, 2013 - 22:45

I couldn't find a similar request, so:

It would be nice if it was easier to print the parts of a composition without having to create seperate parts for all. There could be a check box in the Printer dialogue "Print parts seperately".


2.0 will have automatically generated "linked parts" so no need to create / save separate files. You'd still have to do the print command for each, probably, unless maybe there were a plugin or something to go through and actually print all linked parts at once - that could be useful.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc dixit: "actually print all linked parts at once - that could be useful".

Possibly, but almost always, I find I need to go through the extracted parts and improve the layout, before any printing or exporting; things like scaling, line and page breaks have to be adjusted from score to parts and occasionally other details too. In fact, layout of separate parts is often even more important than score layout: clarity and careful planning of page turnings are of prime importance for parts than they are for the full score.

In fact, I found the new ver. 2.0 automatic part extraction more annoying than helpful: it slows down the editing (as parts are also updated for each change to the score) and part layout has often to be redone separately anyway. Having the occasional error correction in the score automatically reflected on the parts is useful, of course, but the burden on editing is noticeable and maintaining the parts is a waste of time. In practice I never even define the parts until the score is 'finished'.


In reply to by Miwarre

Of course we can't remove the way it works, this was just thought as an extra feature.

A few days ago I printed the parts from a little work, and after printing it, I found that I'd forgotten to write my name on it, so I had to do the whole procedure again. And then the musicians wanted a copy each, and I had to open all the part files to print them. I didn't count clicks, but I'm sure it would've been more effective just to check a box.

In reply to by Miwarre

I agree I almost always want to do some hand-tweaking of the parts, so I would be unlikely to ever use a feature that printed all parts without first giving me the chance to do so. But I was envisioning a feature that simply printed all parts after they were generated and hand-tweaked. That would still save a bunch of clicks of the print button.

I haven't used the linked parts feature except to just test it, and I last I checked, it still seemed very incomplete. So I can't comment on the performance. If it's really bad, that would be a shame. But having become accustomed to this sort of feature in other programs, I am still very much looking forward to it, and would tolerate a slight performance hit. The benefit is not just the ability to have a change affect oth score and parts simultaneously. It's also just a big convenience to not have to actually hit "create par" part button and save a separate file for each part, and to not have to load the parts separately next time I visit the piece. I think that like you, I wouldn't care to deal with the parts until the score was close to finished, but from that point on, linked parts have been a huge help to me in other programs.

But the feature is kind of useless if it doesn't allow parts to be formatted differently from the score (landscape versus portrait, different scaling, different line breaks, optionally different manual positioning of symbols, etc) and last I checked, much of that wasn't happening yet.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

But the feature is kind of useless if it doesn't allow parts to be formatted differently from the score (landscape versus portrait, different scaling, different line breaks, optionally different manual positioning of symbols, etc) and last I checked, much of that wasn't happening yet.

In the current nightlies, page format is part of the style, so is the spatium (scaling). So if you file a default style for part in Preferences -> Score, you should have the two first items of your list.
Line breaks are never carried out in parts. So you can stroke that one too !
Apparently, tempo text, articulations etc... are not "linked".

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Excellent, souns like good progress being made, then (it had been a few weeks at least since I had checked). Line breaks were among the thngs that have work as expected as far back as I can recall.

As you mar recall, I have had issues with how transposition is handled (a bug where very bad things happened when switich back and forth between parts and score while also switching between concert and transposed). Also issues where changes to parts weren't reflected in score and/or vice versa for things like adding dynamics, etc. I guess that's what you mean when ou say they aren't linked, but shouldn't they be? So linked parts had been feeling very unfinished and not usable yet. This has been probably the biggest inhibitor to my using the 2.0 builds more, since most of my day to use of MuseScore is writing for ensembles that include transposing instruments. Are we getting closer to the point where I should be trying this on a nightly? I think the other feature I rely on that hadn't been working was the ability to attach chords to beats instead of notes, but there is probably more I can accomplish without that than I can accomplish wothout parts working.

Hello! This is an exellent software. I am new in this forum so forgive me if this is not the right place to ask a question.
Is ít possible to print more different melodies on one sheet. I play the clarinette and there is plenty of room on one sheet for more scores
Kind regards and thank you for this fine program

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