How can I have staves and the name of the score appear on one page to start?

• Feb 3, 2013 - 15:17

This is a problem I frequently encounter on Musescore is that when I create a new score the title of the score is on one page but the staves and notes are on another. How can I make it possible that I can have the staves, notes and the title all on one page like the song that appears when you first open the program?


This may be because you have too many staves for MS to display it properly set up the way it is. You will probably have to change the size of paper selection to achieve this. Marc or someone else will probably give more explicit directions.

You could also try to reduce the spaces between the staves and again between the systems, but that may result in too cluttered a score.

Right, it's just a matter of you having too much stuff to fit on the page, so MuseScore has no choice but to split it up. You have to make your stuff smaller, or the page bigger (not usually a good option). Most straightforward way to make your stuff smaller - change the overall scaling factor in Layout / Page Settings. You could also decrease the margins there, or reduce the amount of space between staves in style / edit general style / page. Or reduce the size of the frame containing the title. The specifics will depend on your particular score. Just look at at it, and imagine what you coulld make smaller, then do it.

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