Alignment of time signature text is wrong

• Feb 5, 2013 - 15:23
S4 - Minor

MuseScore 3bd76e4caf

  • Create a time signature 4+4+4 / 4 or even 12/4 by changing the text property of a time signature

Expected result : 4+4+4 should be centered and 4 too.
Actual result : the numerator and the denominator are left aligned.


I have not traced the code flow, but I suspect it is a missing re-layout of the time signature after the change.

For instance, if you set an initial 12/8 at score creation and change it into 4+4+4/8 via the time sig. properties, the "8" keeps the position, slightly indented, it had under the "12"; the "4+4+4" also clashes with the measure rest, as no room is made for the increased numerator width.

Then if you undo the change, the "8" jumps to the right, apparently at the correct position it should have had under the "4+4+4".

Definitely, some call to some layout() method is missing.

Hoping it helps,
