Temporary staves

• May 16, 2017 - 09:53

This is what I would like to achieve (this was done in Lime, old times):
Screenshot from 2017-05-16 10-44-50.png

What I've done in musescore to mimick that is to create new voice for Soprano solo and Tenor solo, write the parts, then hide empty scores (even at the start of the piece).

Screenshot from 2017-05-16 10-52-35.png

I don't find it as appealing, I would like the solo staves to start on that measure, not as early as on that system. Not least, I don't want the soloists to stop singing the choir parts before it's time for their line.

Is it possible?


MuseScore can't do this automatically. So an option for this would be a feature request, not a bug report. I like the way what you describe looks...it makes is very clear that is an entrance at a particular measure, although I can see how the current way might be preferred by others.

One thing, which is already possible: select the measures without notes before, right click->measure properties an deselect visible for this staff.

In reply to by Gauthier Östervall

The problem is that I had to move the voice name manually to where it belongs, so I expect troubles when stuff starts moving around. Same for the courtesy clef, I couldn't have it belong to the first visible measure since it got anchored to the invisible measure, and thus not show.

So I put the clef to the last measure and offset manually. Here also I expect troubles.

Nightly builds from the master branch have support for Ossias (in staff properties), These look like what you seem to want your score to look like

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