Printing to PDF problem (Windows 7) - Courier font instead of notes

• Mar 9, 2013 - 15:09

Hi, I have installed Musescore 1.3 on my PC on Windows 7. I experience a problem with printing to PDF (I use Acrobat 11 Pro). It looks like a font mismatch - I can not see no notes in a PDF but a Courier font symbols instead (I attach the example PDF file to this post). Can someone help?

Attachment Size
test.pdf 49.95 KB


Hi wlashack -

Can you please post the score (the .mscz file)?

That might help us figure out what's going on.



In reply to by Fifist

Hi, I have just found the solution. It is in Adobe Acrobat print settings dialog box. There is an option "Rely On System Fonts Only; Do Not Use Document Fonts" thas is checked by default (I attched a file solution.jpg that describes it).
So the solution is to UNCHECK this option and everything works OK.

If you want this option to stay unchecked by default, you must go to "Start - Printers nad other devices", select the Adobe PDF printer, right click on it, choose "Print options" and uncheck the option.

Attachment Size
solution.jpg 188.86 KB
test.mscz 2.25 KB

You should be able to save to PDF in MuseScore, without printing. Go to File -> Save a copy (or Save as) and choose PDF in the filetype combo. No need for acrobat then.

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