Save text style as default for all scores?

• May 24, 2017 - 17:58

I am adding part names to sheets, and I don't like the huge font on the right that I get when I select Add>>Text>>Part Name. What I have done a few times is add the text and then use the Inspector to change the style to Instrument Name (Long) and then nudge the text up a little to the position I like. I want this style for all sheets, but it takes many steps and I am frustrated.

I went to Style>>Text>>Instrument Name (Part) and tweaked the settings until it looks like Instrument Name (Long) and moved it upwards 5 millimeters, then added Text>>Part Name from the Add menu. Perfect. Then I go to the next score, and the settings are all on factory default.

Hope I've explained what I need. Hope there's a way.


Oh hey I think I've found one way, not quite what I want but close. If I save the style from the score that has the part name the way I want, I can load the style into each score. A lot fewer steps, but I wish I didn't have to load the style for each score.

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