Where Beams Begins Doesn't follow Convention

• Mar 31, 2013 - 14:28

I've been told that some of the scores I've written, the beams don't follow convention. You will notice, in the attachment If You Can See Me Now, the first note in the first measure would normally stand alone. In the attachment A Bit Of Night Music, the 3rd note in the 10th measure should not have a beam.

My suggestion would be to add to note properties dialog box "Beam Begins Here". This way you could select the note and then apply.

Attachment Size
If You Can See Me Now.mscz 5.03 KB
A Bit Of Night Music.mscz 6.07 KB


Hi rwmol -

Take a look at the Beam Properties palette at the left of the MuseScore window. That should do what you want.


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