A Musescore interface for players?

• Feb 27, 2025 - 16:45

I know many choristers who use MuseScore to learn a score. Most of them are intimidated by all the editing possibilities, which they don't want to use. They sometimes make unintentional changes (wild mouse clicks).
Would it be possible to have an interface option that doesn't allow any score modification, but gives easy access to the reading functions:
- tuning fork (play x semitones higher or lower)
- how to play or not: organ point, pauses, nuances, coda etc...
(in the normal interface, this is not in the first-level suggestions...)
- a mixer with “constant total volume”, i.e. to emphasize or attenuate one or more voices without changing the overall level (technically, keep the sum of power gains constant).
- loops, tempo
-Choice of instrument,
- possibility of saving these settings without modifying the score.
This would be a real ergonomic gain in read-only use.

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