Spacing issues with nightly build 2013/3/29

• Apr 1, 2013 - 19:04
S4 - Minor

1. Moving a note detaches it from the stem and I can't move the stem. In V1.3 when the second note on the stem is moved, the stem snaps into position. See first (compound) beat of third bar in right hand in the score.
2. The formatting of a triple of three-headed notes is not consistent. See fourth (compound) beat of second bar in right hand. I think it was OK when I entered it, but may have gone wrong when I moved the tie downwards.

I attach a PNG of what I'm after (created by V1.3 with a lot of moving) and a brief score (created afresh to avoid picking up spacing).

This is my first attempt at a bug report - so apologies if I've got formatting wrong. I also suspect there may be a few problems here.


Attachment Size
spacing.PNG 49.74 KB
Spacing.mscz 3.31 KB


#1 is known, but I'm not what the tracker number is.

#2 surprised me because I couldn't duplicate it using GIT 15c1263 (Mar 29). No matter what I tried by adding accidentals, the triples always realigned beautifully. I would have said to use "Local Re-layout" but it seems to be on (for me).


Attachment Size
clp1234.png 38.42 KB

Thanks schepers

I'm not surprised #1 is known, because it was either user error or fairly clear bug.

I can reproduce #2, but it's not obvious!
Enter voice 1 (repeated quaver e-g-a#). Then enter voice 2 (upper crotchet e, quaver e). The voice 1 stems are up and the voice 2 stems are down, so they overlap. Reverse the voice 2 stems. Then reverse the voice 1 stems. This mucks up the formatting of the quaver cluster. In fact you don't need to touch the voice 2 stems - just reverse the voice 1 stems.

I'm not sure what the formatting should be. The g looks best on the left, but the sharp on the a then looks like a sharp on the g, so putting the a on the left is clearer. But they all need to be the same, or it looks very strange!

P.S. There's a change/bug in entering note input mode. It seems to force a return to bar 1. I had to use the mouse to get to the right point in the score. Previously I'm sure I could just click on the bar I wanted to start in.

Status (old) active fixed

I think this also is fixed with Marc's recent PR #770. Re-open if not, but I couldn't make it fail anymore.