Add lyrics Where There Are no notes.

• Apr 27, 2013 - 00:18

I want to end a song with the following lyrics. "And I love her too!" It is meant to be spoken after all singing and music has stopped. Is there a way to do this with Musescore? I tried to add vertical and horizontal frames and was not able to enter text into the frame. Thanks for any help.



Several ways this could be dome. Probably the best is to add inviaible ntes to attach the lyrics too. But you cold also enter them all on the last sung nite, with ctrl-space used to embed spaces within that lyrics. Or you coild just add the lyric as ordinary staff text.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I tried the adding with the Cntr-space and It tried to merge with the previous note lyric. This is to be a song that will go on paper that I age and give to my wife of 50 years. We are celebrating our 50th and I wrote this song to commemorate the event. I want to add "And I love you too!" to the lyric and melody as spoken but I can't seem to make ti work. I've tried frames but can't seem to enter text. I've tried add the text in a chord but it is in the wrong place and can't be moved. I would add the Unviable Note if I knew what it was. A previous helper suggested a pdf and adding the text to the pdf. Tried that but I can't append to my pdf.

In reply to by Go Forth

Typing on iPad = lots of typos :-). Sorry.

Yes, I meant invisible. Enter the notes, select, right click, set invisible.

But the easy solution of staff text (click note, ctrl-t) shoukd work just fine. No need to mess with frames (which indeed cannot be moved) or chords (which are totally different things from lyrics and work at all.

The crrl-psace idea assumes you do have a lyric you want on the last note. You then just double click that lyric to edit it, make sure cursor is at the end, hit crel space, next word, crl space, next word, etc. It will center these words under the last note. If that's not what you want, maybe a single invisible note after he last regular note and attach those lyrics, with ctrl space separating them, to that.

In reply to by Go Forth

Hi Bob -

When you turn something invisible, it becomes gray in the MuseScore window. That's so you know it's still there and can do things with it (such as turning it visible again), if you want to.

When you print your score, invible things won't show up. You can also turn them really inivisible in the MuseScore window by un-checking Display -> Show Invislbe.


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