note spacing and spacer

• May 31, 2013 - 13:10

why is the note spacing funny?
I tried:
Layout>Reset Strech
Layout>Reset Positions
but nothing seems to happen...

Also i tried dragging the bottom staff further down but the spacer can be dragged through the staff so that does not work.
How should i do that?


Attachment Size
bus_168-wendy_wouters-gt.mscz 5.28 KB


In reply to by aeLiXihr

Spacers don't work in the presence of hide empty staves. I use vertical frames instead when I need extra space between systems with hidden staves.

As for the note spacing, I don't see the issue either. Are you talking about the first measure? The spacing between beats 3/4 and 8/9 looks identical to me. I even measured it by drawing a line between two adjacent note stems, then dragging it around to use as a gauge. All beats that are just quarter notes are *exactly* the same size. Beats 5 &6 are, of course, wider because there are eighths involved. Perhaps the difference between stem position between up / down stems, or the ever-so-slight difference in size between quarter and half note heads, is playing tricks on your eyes?

Of course, it's also possible it looks different on your system for some reason (what version of MuseScore, what OS?). Here's a case where maybe posting a screenshot would be better if you really think spacing is off on your system.

In reply to by aeLiXihr

I don't think it does in general. At least, I don't recall anyone else posting about any problem in this area. Must be something unique about this particular score or your particular system. Maybe someone else on Ubuntu cares to try out the posted score to see if they experience the issue? Also, you could maybe do some more investigation to see if this happens with all scores or just some, and if just some, to see if you can figure out how to predict when it will happen.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your input!
...yes, i have(had) it with more scores.
eg. Bus168 has the same flaws on my other computer.
I will watch it to see if i can find out how it is happening

How can i make sure i have the most recent version all the time? i do not think these nightlybuilts are for me. (I do know how the command line works...)

In reply to by aeLiXihr

In Edit / preferences / update, you can make sure MuseScore checks for a more recent version.

but if you're going to be submitting bug reports and feature requests, you really should figure out how to get a night build installed so you can see what's already implemented. It's not difficult, takes only minutes.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

thanks Marc,
"you really should figure out how to get a night build installed" can you link me to how that is done please?

Is ms2.0 available yet?
If so how does one get it? and how come i have 1.2 installed in the first place when i did [code]sudo apt-get install musescore[/code] 12 days ago?
I that command wrong or should i add something to "musescore"?

On my other computer which i intalled way longer ago there is 1.3...

Please enlighten me :D
Thank you!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

thank you yes i found that :)
I meant a more nooby explanation...

"Download one of the "mscore" files from below (nearest to the top is the latest)."
i clicked it, it downloaded to the desktop automatically. So that worked :)

"extract the bz2 archive."
how? i do not think i have a KDE desktop.
If i right-click the file, "Properties" i do not see "Is Executable"
i can choose Archive manager or Archive mounter ...

"It can also be done on the command line with "chmod a+x", followed by the name of the extracted file."
Is that just typing in a terminal:
[code]chmod a+x mscore-2013-09-20-19-18-c84969b.tar.bz2[/code] ?? or should i sudo something?
Thank you!

In reply to by aeLiXihr

Just in a terminal. First a "tar -xf mscore-2013-09-20-19-18-c84969b.tar.bz2", then a "chmod a-x mscore-2013-09-20-19-18-c84969b"

Note however, that mscore-2013-09-20-18-00-c84969b.tar.bz2 may work, but mscore-2013-09-20-19-18-c84969b.tar.bz2 won't (it is way to small).

In reply to by aeLiXihr

I'd take the latest.
Unless, like in this case, if it is unreasonably small.
Any you see the size while downloading. Expect some 117MB

and it'd be "chmod a+x mscore", as that's the (only) file in the compressed tar.bz2 archive, a single file with 356MB in size

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

okay thank you.
- i download the file "-2013-09-20-18-00-c84969b.tar.bz2"

-then i open the terminal and i type:
[code]tar -xf mscore-2013-09-20-18-00-c84969b.tar.bz2[/code]
and press [enter]

-then i type:
[code]chmod a-x mscore[/code]
and press [enter]

Is that right?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you, i realy apreciate your help, but i need a more noob proof explanation :)
This "cd desktop" command is not dangerous for future sessions? i mean what is the default and should i "cd" it back to that, once this tar thingy is finished?

- i download the file "-2013-09-20-18-00-c84969b.tar.bz2"

-then i open the terminal and i type:
[code]cd desktop[/code]
and press [enter]

[code]tar -xf mscore-2013-09-20-18-00-c84969b.tar.bz2[/code]
and press [enter]

-then i type:
[code]chmod a-x mscore[/code]
and press [enter]

like that?
Thanks again!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

"this not the "Beginner's guide to Linux""
...well probably not, it might however be useful for others too.
How to get a night build installed aparently is not so easy ;)

anyway, "cd Desktop" outputs:

the rest is not working:
[code]tar -xf mscore-2013-09-20-18-00-c84969b.tar.bz2[/code]
and press [enter]

-then i type:
[code]chmod a+x mscore[/code]
and press [enter]

Tnx anyway!

In reply to by aeLiXihr

You need to 'cd' into the directory to where you downloaded the nightly, then unpack it with that 'tar' command, then make sure it is executable with that 'chmod' command, then execute it. Pretty easy in my eyes, but then again I learned Linux more than 20 years ago, and before it had a graphical frontend :-)
Didn't use it much in the past couple years though.

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