fout in notatie noot op rust
versie 1.3 - windows 7
Ik heb een notatie probleem. In 1 maat (4/4) moet komen te staan: 2 x 1/8 - 21/2 maat rust en 1/8.
Het staat er allemaal in laatste 1/8 staat bovenop de 1/8 rust.
Hoe krijg ik die uit elkaar?
Vast bedankt
Are you aware that this is an english forum and that this also exists a dutch forum (
Anyway, if I undersrtand it correctly, you want to fit 2 8th notes,2 half notes another 1th note and an 8th rest into one 4/4 measure and this doesn't work for you, right?
Have a look at the measure properties (right cklick -> measure properties) and there its actual duration. Is it really 4/4?
If it is, you probably have a corrupted score, and attaching it here might result in someone being able to fix it for you.
In reply to Are you aware that this is an english forum? by Jojo-Schmitz
Dear Jojo,
Sorry for my dutch comment. But your Dutchunderstanding is quit good. I checked the measure properties and they are right. So that is not the problem.
The problem is: a 8th note on top of a 8th rest. I shall attach my file. Hoping for reply.
Thanks for yours.
Bye Kiek
In reply to Dear Jojo, Sorry for my dutch by kiekboelaars
Ah, I see, seems you nudged the rests about in the score, to fix this select them and then press Ctrl-R, this makes them reset to their default position
I'm not sure what you wanted to achive with moving the rests into different places, but I guess what you got is not what you intended, i.e. play back will have the rests where ther cronologically belong, but the printout will have them at a different spot.
If you want to change the order of notes/rests, you'd have to re-enter them rather than nudging them left and right.