Tremolo Playback

• Jun 16, 2013 - 05:19

A posting dated back in January 2012 states, "Tremolo playback has been implemented". However, postings since then indicate maybe it's still in the works. It doesn't work for me on the attached piano example. Am I entering the effect correctly?

Attachment Size
On_the_Beautiful_Danube_Excerpt.mscz 2.79 KB


Most new things implemented over the past couple of years won't show up until 2.0, whenever that happens. You can download an experimental nightly build from the downloads link at right if you'd like to try it iut, but do realize it's not ready for "real" work yet.

In reply to by hmscomp

No, pedal markings should work just fine in the current 1.3 version. If you post the score you are having trouble with, perhaps someone can show you what you are doing wrong. Have you read the Handbook entry Line or watched any of the tutorial videos? A common mistake with lines is to try to manually extend the line to cover multiple notes visually using the mouse, rather than using the correct methods for attaching the lones to the desired notes (shift-arrow to extend after initial placement, or, for certain line types, select notes first before placing rhe line).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Let's see --- 1. Right click, 2. Click Line Properties, 3. Click "Ped" symbol to remove it, 4. Click Hook, 5. Move cursor to Space box, 6. Insert a minus sign in front of 1.50 to make it really go "Up" instead of down, and finally, 7. Click OK. Whew! Makes you want to use a LOT less pedal!

In reply to by hmscomp

Or just don't sweat the Ped indication - leaev it alone. Seems a bit old-fashioned, but it's pretty common. Anyhow, 2.0 makes this simpler. And realistically, most published sheet music doesn't use much in the way of the pedal indications at all - at most a little up front to give the player a general idea.

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