Multiple suggestions for features

• Jun 5, 2017 - 03:16

1. Note sound editor.
What do I mean, you ask? I mean, like, a window in which you can choose an instrument and edit its soundfont or sound to whatever you want. You could record a sound, upload a sound, or edit the current sound with tools like distort, cut, or rearrange. It would be an easier way to get the sounds you wanted in scores meant for ears-only.

2. Electric guitar/bass mods.
Almost like the request above, it would be cool to see different options for amp sounds, or little knobs you can turn that change bass, treble, and tone.

3. Electric ukulele
speaks for itself...

4. Less confusing interface for..
VOICES! ugh. Sometimes they are very frustrating to work with, and sometimes even annoying bugs. I would like to see a clearer, easier menu for voices.

thats all..


Could you explain what you mean by 4? What about the instructions for using voices in the Handbook is unclear, and can you suggest improvements?

I mean, sometimes the voices bug out and they switch around every time you change the voice. I just meant fix the bugs. Also, I could possibly just using them wrong when they do that.

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