It says that the file is corrupted

• Jun 5, 2017 - 14:17

It says that in measure 41 is in 1/2 time instead of 3/4 time. I'm not sure how to fix it. Please let Me know If you can fix it. Thank You

Attachment Size
Jupiter_Choral.mscz 91.04 KB



The Problem existed in the orinal score already, which was created in MuseScore 1.3 (MuseScore 1.x didn't detect corruptions).

Your's was last saved with MuseScore 2.0.3, just so you are aware: MuseScore 2.1 got released a couple weeks ago.
See the corruption:
There's indeed a quarter missing in the measure with the half note chord. Swapping voice 1 and 2 twice and removing the voice 2 rest fixed it, see attached

Attachment Size
Jupiter_Choral.mscz 90.79 KB

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