Volta corruption; now MuseScore segfaults
I'm using the MuseScore pre-2.0 from github. I am writing a piece, and I used voltas in it. After a recent commit (seemingly the one about voltas with multi-measure rests), the voltas don't appear properly. I added a volta to a later place in the piece, and could only get it to stretch one measure (seems like a regression). I saved my piece, closed it, and upon trying to reopen it, Musescore segfaults. I've attached a dump file. I hope this gets solved (and seems on the surface like doing so should be trivial), to be able to keep composing.
Attachment | Size |
echo.txt | 124.62 KB |
The dump file is not helpful, we could maybe do something with the MSCZ file. In any case, it's written in bold everywhere that nightlies are not stable, and that one shouldn't use them for serious work. Voltas and other spanner implementation has changed a lot in the last weeks and so it could be possible that your file is not recoverable.
Ok, here's the mscz file.
I recovered the file into MuseScore 1.3 satisfactorily; you may delete this thread. I won't use the nightlies for regular work.