[Solved] Problem with soundfont on musescore.com.

• Jun 8, 2017 - 23:45

**EDIT: Never mind, I just removed the rain parts from where they weren't necessary, and it appears to be fixed.**

Hello! I recently made a post about being unable to upload a score to the website using the "upload score audio" button, but I was recently able to fix it. Or, so I thought. I've posted a score to the site, and the audio is all correct, up until the 50 second mark. Once it gets there, random instruments stop playing at random times, almost as if it can't run that many audio samples at once, or something like that.

Here's some more info:
- I'm using the GeneralUser Soundfont
- The problem occurs in the program and on the website, as well as when I export directly to an MP3 File
- The problem does NOT occur when using the default Musescore Soundfont
- The problem seemed to also occur upon switching to the Arachno Soundfont, as well

If you have any other questions, lemme know. Here is a link to the score in question: https://musescore.com/themtcrew/scores/3996001
Again, skip to the 50 second mark to see the problem in action. I've also attached the actual file below, although it won't do any good unless you have the GeneralUser Soundfont installed. Thanks for any and all help!

Attachment Size
Deference for Darkness.mscz 41.82 KB


Alright, immediately after posting, I found the problem. I have a synthesizer creating a rain noise in the background, for effect. Upon removing it, the score plays correctly. Is there a way to make it work WITH the rain?

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