hide empty staves

• Jul 23, 2013 - 11:25

I'm setting out a 4-part song where the verse is sung in unison and the chorus in parts.
So the verse has nothing in the bass stave so I don't want that printing.

Nothing I have tried seems to do that, I always get the empty stave printed.

I've ticked the box in Edit-Style-Score Hide empty staves but it makes no difference.
I've tried deleting the empty bars but that also removes the linked bars.

I'm obviously missing something but what.

Any clues?

Attachment Size
I will go.mscz 6.33 KB


'hide empty staves' diesn#t reylla hide staves, it hides instrumwents. And you entered your SATB on a piano staff which consists of 2 staves.
You separate 'instruments' for this, either 2 pianos, one of which you remobe the treble clef and other of which you remove the bass cleff, or to voice staves, e.g. Alto and Bass

Attachment Size
I will go.mscz 6.02 KB

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