How to change line distance for a small part of the score?

• Jun 15, 2017 - 14:21

My composition teacher said I should try to fit two staves into the first page (instead of one) and to adjust the line distance for that section. However, it always affects the whole piece, not just the first staves.
Any advice on how to make it for just the first two staves please?

Thanks so much!


Adjust spacing settings for the whole piece, playing with min/max system distance might already give you the desired result. If not, then adjust the settings in a manner that your first page looks ok.

MuseScore can only increase spacing currently, not diminish it; now you can add an explicit spacer from the palette (the blue arrows) and use those to increase the spacing on the other pages. See also

Assuming by "line distance" you actually mean the distance between two entire systems of music (not staves within a single system, or lines within a single staff) then you definitely want to decrease the min system distance in Style / General / Page. This will give MuseScore permission to move those systems closer together if that helps it fit more systems on a page, but pages that cannot fit another system will remain free to spread them out further.

If you need further assistance, feel free to attach your score here so we can give you more specific advice.

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