Importing midi and automatic accidental change with new key sig.

• Jun 16, 2017 - 16:03

I've imported a midi file(Violins) and the key signature was incorrect with the whole piece and I gave it a new key signature(5 flats) but now I have to got to each individual note and move it up and then down to get rid of the accidentals. Is there a way to do this automatically when changing key signatures from a midi file without having to do anything manually? I hope this makes sense.


You can try Notes->Respell pitches from the menu.

What might also help is if you select the Human performance option in the midi import dialog, this should put the key signature in.

But also in general, you almost never need to do things like this for each individual note. Just select the whole passage then do the up/down thing to do them all at once, if that solution was working for you. Although indeed you might find Respell works for you.

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